Learn to write Dutch words.


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Word game to practise reading and writing (spelling) of Dutch words. Dutch is spoken in The Netherlands (Holland) and Belgium (Flanders), The Antilles and in Suriname1) Learn how to spell Dutch words: for each word a picture is shown with the letters of the word in a random order. Guess the word and place the letters below the image in the correct order,2) Reading Dutch words, 4 pictures and 1 word are displayed. Select the right image for the word, like in a quiz.3) Vocabulary: learn Dutch words, all words are displayed one by one. For each word an image is shown, like flashcards
✔ Vocabulary of 250+ words and pictures, more will be added✔ Helps develop literacy skills✔ Maximum word length can be set: from 4 up to 12 letters. Change the difficulty by setting this word length.✔ Words from different categories: animal names, different vehicles, and also types of furniture, tools and food.✔ A fun way to learn words and the alphabet / ABC of a foreign language. ✔ Kids at elementary school can learn to read and write (spell) their first words✔ The app menus and texts have been translated to: English, Spanish, German, Dutch and Hungarian
The app can be used by young and old to learn to read and write Dutch words. For example for kids at primary school to learn to read and write (spell) their first words in their native language. And it can be used by older children and adults to learn Dutch words if they are learning the Dutch language.
The free version has ads, the paid version does not. Besides the ads the versions are equal.The ads make the free version less suitable for young kids like toddlers.
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Brainy Ape Studio LLPRegistered Office: MOTTRAM HOUSE, 43 GREEK ST, STOCKPORT, CHESHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM, SK3 8AXRegistration number in the UK: OC396287Headoffice in The Netherlands: registration number: KvK: 61842265Tax / BTW-number: NL854512512B01